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Welcome! My name is Courtney—I'm so glad you're here!

Courtney Wiatt Photography was born in 2013 when I was a freshman in high school. It all started with friends turned clients who entrusted me with their senior photos, then family photos and beyond. As I have grown older, my business has grown with me, but at the core, my love of photography has been unwavering. 

Everyone deserves to feel valued—that's why I gravitate towards portraits. A photo can encapsulate a moment, a personality; it becomes a forever reminder of the time period. Take senior photos for example: a senior photo session is likely one of the first times a high school senior receives professional photos, and the shoot is all about them! It is exciting, and the perfect time to capture genuine happiness, excitement, and apprehension as they enter young adulthood. I have had the honor of taking engagement photos for close friends, college graduation photos for past senior clients, and more, and I am thankful for all of it. 

If I am not taking photos, I am teaching honors and AP English, walking my dogs Charlie and Kodi, hiking around Arizona, reading a good book, or planning my next creative endeavor. 

I hope you will entrust me to take your photos. I can't wait to meet you!


Let's Work together!

Photoshoot Preferences (choose any that apply)

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